
So Sad Right Now

Click on the picture to download a mix I put together of songs I listen to when "totally bummed out."

The mix is under my alter-ego "DJ So Sad Right Now." DJ So Sad Right Now's mixes aren't always sad, but this one is.

Track List:

1. "Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping" by Grouper

2. "In Metal" by Low

3. "Endless Summer" by Still Corners

4. "Keen on Boys" by the Radio Dept.

5. "Where in the World Are You" by Great Lake Swimmers

6. "Blue Moon (Big Star Cover)" by Kendal Johansson

7. "Too Young (Tough Alliance Remix)" by Taken By Trees

8. "Gypsy (Fleetwood Mac Demo)" by Stevie Nicks

9. "Big White Cloud" by John Cale


news concerning my twitter gimmick

I have created a new version of my Twitter gimmick theme song/sexting anthem.

You can listen to and download it here. It's a bit different than the last version and contains an eighties style voice synthesizer tone and maybe higher production value.

Also, Robert Svetlik has become the first person to record a cover of the song, which can be heard here.

If you would like to record your own cover, the chords are on my Twitter.

The last chord is not an A# as noted in the tweet, but a G#. However, Robert uses the A# and it sounds nice. If you do happen to record a cover, post it in the comments. I would love to hear it.


Twitter and Songs About Sexting

As a Twitter gimmick, I tweeted the above tweet. So far it has only been retweeted once.

There are zero shirtless pictures of myself on the internet and I feel like that isn't fair to the approximately 2 billion people with shirtless pictures on the internet.

To support/advertise this Twitter gimmick, I wrote and recorded a song last night. It is something of a theme song for taking a topless picture of yourself.

You can download it here.