
Umm I have an idea...

To help me further understand why I hate Meredith Vieira, I have asked my roommate Dan to contact esteemed scholar Horstense Adams. He sent her my original post and got this reply:

"Men Hate Real Women"
By Hortense Adams, B.A. Smith College, M.A. Wesley, Germain Greer Distinguished Professor of Faux-Lesbian Literature at Sarah Lawerence

You detest Meredith Vieira so much simply because you are afraid of a powerful woman who doesn't feel the need to prove herself to you (a white male with red hair to boot!) Vieira (yes her name is spelled V-I-E-I-R-A but you misspell her name one time in your post as a means of subjugation! evil white male!) gives what many MEN call "soft" interviews. Maybe because she believes the world isn't a cesspool of violence and corruption. Why is it whenever a woman is kind and agreeable she's labled passive and weak? If Vieira went after juglars every morning you'd call her a monster, wouldn't you??( those two question marks mean hostility! White men can never pick up on subtlty)
Vieira doesn't bother with slut skirts like Diane Sawyer or dye her hair slut blonde like Barbara Walters. That's another reason you don't like her. You can't understand the beauty of a woman who chooses to age naturally and act appropriately. It's all bimbos and boobs for you!
- Hortense Adams

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