
Why do I dislike Meredith Vieira so much?

It's not that she's done anything to me or I've found anything she's done offensive. It's just she sits on the Today Show and does stupid, stupid interviews like this one

and this one

It's pandering, mindless stuff and I just hate her for doing them with a smile on her face. Where's her sense of shame? Doesn't she know what she's doing is completely inane?
I guess I can't expect her to be remorseful for the vomit she calls journalism, I mean she used to be on the View.
Even so, this really isn't enough for me to dislike her as much as I do. Why has Meredith Vieira (Edit: touche Mrs. Adams) inspired such animosity in me when more important things like war and Darfur haven't? It seems really small of me and really pathetic and I know I have no good reason to, but I just can't help it.
I hate Meredith Vieira.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like mindless drivel just as much as the next person (and thanks for posting the twilight interview, ha!), but just slap me if my career in broadcast journalism looks like that. There's nothing wrong with reporting celebrity slosh, just don't expect people to actually take you seriously.